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Office contact: Universität Mannheim Private contact:
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Selective list of major publications
1. Monograph
"The EEC Crisis of 1963 - Kennedy, Macmillan, de Gaulle and Adenauer in Conflict", Macmillan press, Basingstoke 2000, (in the series 'Issues of Contemporary History', edited by Peter Catterall for the Institute for Contemporary British History - ICBH) |
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2. articles and papers
1995 "British, American and German Interests behind the Preamble to the Franco-German Treaty from January 1963", in: Gustav Schmidt (ed.), Zwischen Bündnissicherung und privilegierter Partnerschaft: Die deutsch-britischen Beziehungen und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, 1955-1963, Bochum 1995, pp. 225-280 "Grand Designs and the breakdown of the negotiations for British membership in the EEC in January 1963", in: George Wilkes (ed.), Britain's Failure to enter the European Community, 1961-1963 crises in European, Atlantic and Commonwealth relations, Frank Cass Press, London 1996, pp. 191-212 1997 "Hans von der Groeben - His Life and his Works", in: Journal of European Integration History, Bd. 3 (1997), Nr. 2, Baden-Baden 1997, pp. 115-117 "40 Years after the Signature of the Treaties of Rome: the German Contribution, Conference on the 90th Brithday of Hans von der Groeben", conference report in: Journal of European Integration History, Bd. 3 (1997), Nr. 2, Baden-Baden 1997, pp. 118-120 1998 "Karlsprize, Crisis and Concurrence - Edward Heath and Britain's European Policy in 1963", in: Guido Müller ed.), Internationale Beziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert: Deutschland und der Westen - Festschrift für Klaus Schwabe, (HMRG, Beiheft 30), Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 298-306 "Deutschland und die britische Beitrittsfrage", in: Rudolf Hrbek, Volker Schwarz (eds.), 40 Jahre Römische Verträge: Der deutsche Beitrag, Festschrift für Hans von der Groeben, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 1998, pp. 278-290 1998-2002 monthly contributions on the media analysis of European topics in the German journal "Medientenor" (Europe ressort), Innovatio Verlag, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, and "Media Monitor International" (chief editor), articles on qualitative media analysis in "Parliamentary Affairs" und "Zuma Nachrichten" 1999 "Deutschlandpolitik in der öffentlichen Meinung", review in: Medien Tenor Forschungsbericht, Nr. 91 (Dezember 1999), p. 43 2000 "Ihn selber wieder einmal reden hören Dokumente aus Willy Brandts Zeit in Skandinavien und Einblicke in SPD-Interna", in: Nürnberger Nachrichten, 13. December 2000, p. 21 2003 review of CNN's Cold War History Webpage for H Soz u Kult (the German HistoryNet) 2004 "Die Außenpolitik der DDR- Plädoyer für ein vernachlässigtes Forschungsfeld", in: Friedrich Boll et al. (eds), Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, Jg. 44, Bonn 2004, pp. 492-500 (with Gottfried Niedhart), "Die 'Relikte der Nachkriegszeit' beseitigen – Ostpolitik in der zweiten außenpolitischen Formationsphase der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Übergang von den Sechziger- zu den Siebzigerjahren", in: Friedrich Boll et al. (eds), Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, Jg. 44, Bonn 2004, pp. 415-448 2005 reviews of Schrafstetter/Twigge: "Avoiding Armageddon", Schönhoven: "Wendejahre", and volumes 2 and 4 of the "Berliner Willy-Brandt-Ausgabe" for H Soz u Kult "Kiesingers Ost- und Deutschlandpolitik von 1966-1969", in: Günter Buchstab/Philipp Gassert/Peter Lang (eds), Kurt Georg Kiesinger 1904-1988 – Von Ebingen ins Kanzleramt, Freiburg 2005, pp. 455-500 "Die große Koalition ist viel besser als ihr Ruf – Unter der Kiesinger-Regierung wurde die Republik wirtschafts- und sozialpolitisch erneuert", in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 25.10.2005, p. 2 2006 reviews of vol. 6 of the "Berliner Willy Brandt Ausgabe" (edited by Frank Fischer, on Foreign and German Policy, 1966-1974) for H Soz u Kult, and of Ashton: "Macmillan and Kennedy" for the Journal of Cold War Studies (Harvard) "Self-Induced 'Americanization' – the Role of Journalists in the Collapse of Democratic Confidence", in: William Urricchio/Susanne Kinnebrock (eds), Media Cultures, Heidelberg 2006, pp. 23-34 "Ostpolitik – Etappen und Desiderate der Forschung. Zur internationalen Einordnung von Willy Brandts Außenpolitik", in: Friedrich Boll et al. (eds), Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, Jg. 46, Bonn 2006, pp. 713-736 2007 "NATO and the Non-Proliferation Treaty: triangulations between Bonn, Washington, and Moscow", in: Andreas Wenger/Christian Nünlist/Anna Locher (eds), Transforming NATO in the Cold War – Challenges beyond deterrence in the 1960's, London 2007, pp. 162-180 review of Bruno Thoß: "NATO-Strategie und nationale Verteidigungsplanung" for the Journal of Cold War Studies 9 (2), March 2007, pp. 188-190 Personal information Oliver Bange lives with his family in the renaissance city of Neuburg on the Danube in Southern Germany. He studied political science, economic, medieval and contemporary history both at Aachen and at the London School of Economics. As a journalist he worked for various papers and political institutions, helped to devise the method of qualitative media contents analysis and developed for a number of years the media strategies of some major international players. He returned to the LSE to obtain a PhD in international history and has published extensively on the history of European integration, the Cold War, country images and Brandt's Ostpolitik. He held scholarships of the German Historical Institute in London, the European University Institute and the University of London. His book on the 1963 crisis in European and Atlantic relations was published in 2000 by Macmillan both in New York and London. He is currently working on a major work on "Ostpolitik and Détente in Europe, 1966-1975". He speaks fluent English and some French (apart from reading various other languages). |